Wednesday, November 24, 2010

PDF Assignment Builder

For a while now I have been building assignment files for instructors using Adobe LiveCycle and Adobe Acrobat Pro. I have also been building Instructional Design tools in PDFs, such as the Online Syllabus Template Tool (OSTT).

Creating assignments in PDF format came from my frustration at instructors receiving submissions in an endless variety of formats (.docx, .doc, .wpd, .txt, etc.) in spite of putting very specific language about acceptable file formats in their syllabi. With PDF files, that problem was eliminated.

As I created more assignments in PDFs, I began to realize the potential of these files:

1. No software to buy: They open in Adobe Reader, so there is no need for students to purchase Microsoft Word if they are working on a personal machine, as many distance and non-traditional students do.

2. Built-in accessibility tools for disabled instructors and/or students (more on this in a future post).

3. PDF files work with all browsers, on all operating systems.

Anyway, for me the "holy grail" was to build a tool that would allow instructors to create assignments as PDFs, WITHOUT having to purchase Acrobat Pro.

And I think I've gotten there with the PDF Assignment Builder.

Click here to watch a tutorial on using the Assignment Builder. You can download the file here.

Friday, October 15, 2010

OAR model citation

The OAR model got a "shout out" in the Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (TOJDE). Here's the link.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Updated Data-driven Design Course Evolution Illustration

Here is an updated version of the data-driven design evolution illustration:

You can see the original post here.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Course Activity Map (CAM) Presentation at SWBUG 2010

Last week I participated in the Southwest Blackboard Users Group conference and presented on Course Activity Maps (CAMS). The conference was delivered via Wimba, and the archive does start a few minutes into the presentation. Here is a link:

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Expanding TPACK to Address Beliefs and Practices

TPC 3D is an expansion of the TPCK/TPACK framework.

By adding a layer for practices (TPCP) and a layer for beliefs (TPCB), TPC 3D is able to address the personal resources used by SME/Fs (Subject Matter Expert/Facilitators) to develop and deliver online courses via a LMS (Learning Management System) in higher education. For more information on the relationship between beliefs, knowledge and practices read this article by Peggy Ertmer referred to in this post-- pedagogical beliefs in online classes.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Course Activity Map II

I have been using Inspiration to create CAMs, but I have recently been working in Visual Understanding Environment (VUE), an open-source mapping program from Tufts University.

I really like the crisp graphics in the workspace and in the exported files.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Course Activity Map

A Course Activity Map (CAM) is an Instructional Design tool that facilitates communication between Instructional Designers, Course Facililtators and other members of an online course design team. CAMs use symbols based on the OAR model to plot the connections between goals, content and activities in Blackboard. CAMs represent the ratio between Acquisition Activities (opportunities for students to gain knowledge and skills) and Application Activities (opportunities for students to demonstrate knowledge and skills).