Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Keeping the GUI simple with the HUI

The Hidden User Interface
As we strive to maintain the "easy as dirt"* usability of the Graphic User Interface (GUI) in our open source Salsa application, we are creating a customizable User interface that lives "beneath" the GUI. We have even coined an original term: Hidden User Interface (HUI).**

We're still fleshing out the concept, but here are some thoughts:


  1. Achieve simplicity and beauty through "ruthless reduction" (inspired by Fedarko's description of dories in The Emerald Mile).
  2. Provide an interface that is accessible for all Users.
  3. Maintain a common "top-level" interface to support interactions between Users: collaborative creation of SALSAs, feedback, coaching. 
  4. Maintain a common "top-level" interface to optimize resources and services provided for Users: documentation, training, support.


  1. Provide the ability to adapt to a User's spatial and/or visual preferences.
  2. Allow the User to select the level of instructional scaffolding that is visible.
  3. Allow Users to also share HUIs through the "Template Link" (currently allows a User to share content without creating a User account).
SALSA template link

*Actual client feedback on a beta version.
** Originality claim based on an exhaustive (several minutes) Google search.